Monday, December 7, 2009

The Hundreds x DeLorean Motor Co. DMC-12

Regardless of how you feel about The Hundreds, they have succesfulyl pulled off what in my opinion is the dopest collaboration EVER! The have collaborated with the DeLorean Motor Co. to make a revamped version of the only car that the company ever put into production, the DMC-12. The best part is that they used the Hundreds signature "Jags" pattern in Matte black on black on the entire car. Being one of my favorite cars from one of my favorite movies, I thought I would only like the DMC-12 in the original Silver color but THIS right HERE is C-R-A-Z-Y!! Oh yeah...its not just for promotional usage either, you can actually purchase this by contacting the Hundereds at Very Very Cool!!

1 comment:

  1. The collab is cool...The Hundreds has made some interesting choices with their designs and collabs...Sometimes, though, I think they try really hard to stay within what the brand represents, (skate/hip hop/80's) that they lose aspect of that and alienate would-be fans..what do you think?
