Friday, December 18, 2009

Iron Man 2 Trailer

Prepare for the Madness on May 7th, 2010!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin!

RUMPUS, Children of the Night from Jon Wasserman on Vimeo.

Big shout out to my boy and lifetime Cool Table sitter, Remy for blessing us with the new video from his group off of their new Mixtape "Where the Wild Things Are." Children Of The Night (COTN) have released their latest video entitled "Rumpus." It's definitely a cool video. Check it out.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nike Snowboarding Danny Kass Zoom Force 1

I don't snowboard so I'm pretty sure that I wont be buying these but I really like how they look. Nike Snowboarding is set to drop a special release Zoom Force 1 for pro-snowboarder Danny Kass. The technical snowboard footwear takes inspiration from an astronaut’s “moon boot” and features a unique double tongue system with both Canadian and American flags up front and center. Nike is set to release these early 2010. Very Cool.

KiD CuDi - Persuit of Happiness (Video)

Kid Cudi has released a video for my favorite song on his ablum Man on the Moon. Although MGMT and Ratatat are absent from the video it's still really cool. Check it Out.

Mos Def - Supermagic (Video)

MOS DEF "Supermagic" from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.

From his Grammy Nominated album The Ecstatic, Mos Def has released a new video for his latest single "Supermagic" Check It Out. This Song and Album are definitely Cool Table Approved.

New Sade! New baby making Tunes

For all you mid 80's and 90's babies, real talk this is new music from Sade whom you guys were were probably made the dopest female singers in my book, coming of a lil 9 year hiatus after her "lovers rock" album. I heard this single today and instantly thought it was classic!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Actual Outer Space Travel with the Virgin Galactic Spaceship Two

Unveiled today at about the size of a large business jet, The Virgin Galactic Spaceship Two is the 1st commercial airline that is aimed at taking the average man into space. Assuming the average man can afford the $200,000 ticket to board the Starship Two. According to the Virgin Atlantic CEO, Sir Richard Branson, the flights into space should be leaving from New Mexico and begin as early at 2011. It's billed as the world's first commercial spaceship, designed to be carried aloft by an exotic jet before firing its rocket engine to climb beyond the Earth's atmosphere. The Starship Two has been under secret development for over 2 years and here are the 1st official pictures.
To get into space, the SpaceShip Two will be carried aloft by a craft called the White Knight Two and released at 50,000 feet. The craft's rocket engine then burns a combination of nitrous oxide and a rubber-based solid fuel to climb more than 65 miles above the Earth's surface.
After reaching the top of its trajectory, the craft will fall back into the atmosphere and glide to a landing like an airplane. Its descent is controlled by "feathering" its wings to maximize aerodynamic drag.
If I had that money this is something i would DEFINITELY look into doing. Who wouldn't want to see the view of Earth from outer space!? A little over 300 people have already bought tickets to take flight. Very Cool!

The Hundreds x DeLorean Motor Co. DMC-12

Regardless of how you feel about The Hundreds, they have succesfulyl pulled off what in my opinion is the dopest collaboration EVER! The have collaborated with the DeLorean Motor Co. to make a revamped version of the only car that the company ever put into production, the DMC-12. The best part is that they used the Hundreds signature "Jags" pattern in Matte black on black on the entire car. Being one of my favorite cars from one of my favorite movies, I thought I would only like the DMC-12 in the original Silver color but THIS right HERE is C-R-A-Z-Y!! Oh yeah...its not just for promotional usage either, you can actually purchase this by contacting the Hundereds at Very Very Cool!!