Monday, August 24, 2009

Not Cool : Sesame Street x New Era 59Fifty Fitted

Sesame Street is the TV program that proved that television can be used as educational tool with its colorful and unique characters. Amongst the favorite and famous characters are Big Bird, Elmo and Cookie Monster who have become more than just characters on the children’s show, they have become the main focus of the latest New Era collaboration. And as much as this would be good for kid's who are the target audience for Sesame Street, these fitted caps were made for adults. Grown men should be walking around in Sesame Street fitted cap. Throw on a Yankee fitted and keep it grown and sexy. This is definitely Not Cool!

1 comment:

  1. -.- That's what you think..
    Despite me not being an adult, I still disagree with you on them being 'Not Cool'. :)
